Get the Experience Requirements Waived With 40+ IA Firms

With IA Path's Level 1, 2, & 3 Certifications

  • Step 1: Enroll

    When you join we'll give you a step by step plan and on-demand training to go with every step you need to complete to get your first claims.

  • Step 2: Mentored

    With the help of our mentors you'll dive into building your adjusting business, training, and determining what is the best path for your career.

  • Step 3: Certified

    You decide which certification you want to get and at completion IA Path introduces and vouches for you to our 40+ companies that are looking for your skillset and will waive their 2-5 year experience requirement.

How It Works

IA Path Safe Path Guarantee

Get Work or Get Paid, Guaranteed

Training & Certifications Recognized by

Here Are Some of the 40+ Top Companies from Around the Country

What Students Are Saying About IA Path